Friday, 3 January 2014

Wassailing at the Two Doves, Oakley Road, Bromley, 4th Jan 2014,7.30pm

I hope to be there !


Since time out of mind (and they normally are) the Ravensbourne Mummers have been appearing at this pub to re-enact this classic tale of life, death and resurrection, featuring the famous dual between King George and the Turkish Knight.  Landlady Ellen is looking forward to providing two real ciders in honour of this event, while Dave, the official Ravensbourne Great Wizard, will officiate at the blessing of the pub's apple tree and the passing round of the wassail bowl containing mulled cider.

 As an added incentive, as if the aforementioned was not enough, the Ravenbourne Mummers may also be prevailed upon to demonstrate a traditional rapper dance from the north east of England, where within the confines of the pub, five men, holding newly acquired swords made of spring steel, will perform a complex interweave in tight formation while dancing a jig.  If performed correctly, it is a wonder to behold.  If performed incorrectly it is absolutely hilarious.  Thereby, giving rise to a classic win win situation for the audience.

Please put this event in your diaries and support local pubs, real ale/cider, and traditional pub entertainment all in one go!